martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Kindapping In Mexico

Kindapping In Mexico

Day by day, the number of kidnappings in Mexico is increased when should decreasing, and increased with they, the fraud, extortion, sexual violation and homicider.

This is because the government doesn´t combat the criminals, only excuse say that people doesn´t make complaints, maybe is true, but many people doesn´t complain because the impunity and corruption of the authorities, though I don´t think a good excuse for the kidnappings are the order of the day.

We, the Mexicans now can´t live quiet, we are afraid of going out and any moment we are victims of some criminal.

It's a shame that Mexico has many beautiful things and to distinguish for the bad things.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Small Comment About Kidnapping

For many years, Mexico has always ranked lowest in education, health, championships ... but unfortunately, now ranks first in the list of countries with highest incidence of kidnapping. The government gets rich of Mexicans.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

I think that the problem of kid napping is by the domestic violence


The domestic violence is a problem caused by drogs, drink, adiction, molestation for their parents.


The children that was molestation take out with other people for revenge againts their parents.


I think that domestic violence is a big problem in very country and very important in México because many girls get pregnant in a early years old.


Yes, because in Loma Bonita there is many adictions and the people many drink and their beat your family, also the girls are very hot and get pregnant.

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

Case Paulette....!!!!

I think if the child is of Oaxaca, the authorities not give him the importance that have of the case Paulette. This child was a family with money and like to be seen for all people.

it's very terrible, all say the that TV...

there are others case's more importance....

martes, 6 de abril de 2010

Case Paulette, distraction for hide the delinquency in mexico?

Hi Classmates...

We heard much about the death of the child Paulette, and there are many versions that tell what happened...

Really all statements are strange...And it shows that security in Mexico is fatal and that the authorities can't do something good....

While searching more the case Paulette, I found this information very interesting ...

The information of web is true, and i think that authorities are acting bad, because want to distract people with the death of the child Paulette, and hide other crimes....

And you think about the case Paulette...?????

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Foreigners talk about kidnapping.

I want to share with you a forum used by foreigners living in Cancun. In general, people who decide to live in another country and culture are called "expats" (Short for expatriates, from expatria)

This is a good example of an Expat community website,

Here the contributors to the forum community (expats) talking about Kidnapping in Cancun and Mexico.

Originally Posted by RiverGirl
Personally I think that corruption is so expected in the Mexican culture that it's part of the culture. This is a nation of under-employed poorly paid workers. People in positions with any power often see corruption as their right and as their ticket to attaining a middle class lifestyle.

It doesn't help Mexico that the cable companies here broadcasts the American dream at viewers 24/7. Mexicans are constantly bombarded by images of the US with it's large middle class, it's only natural that they would then want that lifestyle themselves.

Here are some things to think about and discuss.
1. Do you agree or disagree with RiverGirl about the influence American Television has over Mexican viewers? Why?

2. How do you think most expats living in Mexico view the kidnapping situation? Do you think that their view is different from an average American who lives in the U.S. (not an expat)?

3. What would you say to expats about kidnapping?


Domestic violence is a big problem that many times is caused by adiction to drugs or drink alcohol. Many times this person beat and abuse to the kids. Sometimes this kids development psychological problems and they look the way of take out with any people. They don´t think in the consecuences of their acts. Due to they kidnapping, though also they do for get money of a easy way.

Domestic violence is a problem that afect the stability of a family and cused many damage to the family of the kidnapped, as economic, emotional and psychological problems. The police can´t resolve this and other problems, because the most of times they are involved, due to are corrupt and just look their owm advantage.

The domestic violence is just one to causes of kidnapping.

Others causes of KIDNAPPING are:

  • Uninployment

  • Organize crimen

  • Easy and fast money

  • Children trafic

  • Black market organs transplant

  • and others.