Domestic violence is a big problem that many times is caused by adiction to drugs or drink alcohol. Many times this person beat and abuse to the kids. Sometimes this kids development psychological problems and they look the way of take out with any people. They don´t think in the consecuences of their acts. Due to they kidnapping, though also they do for get money of a easy way.
Domestic violence is a problem that afect the stability of a family and cused many damage to the family of the kidnapped, as economic, emotional and psychological problems. The police can´t resolve this and other problems, because the most of times they are involved, due to are corrupt and just look their owm advantage.
The domestic violence is just one to causes of kidnapping.
Others causes of KIDNAPPING are:

- Uninployment
- Organize crimen
- Easy and fast money
- Children trafic
- Black market organs transplant
- and others.
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